Change Management
In today’s business environment change is the only constant organisations face. Often new product development projects of business improvement activities (e.g. Lean Six Sigma) focus on delivering a physical product, service or asset. However, limited focus is placed on successful implementation of the product, service or asset.
At Co-Kreator we appreciate the enormous importance of delivering great products, services and assets – AND the importance of emphasising the importance of including Change Management in any organisational initiative.
Traditional Business Improvement or Project Management disciplines focus on the process of delivering an initiative – but not on the actual success of the initiative after implementation or a project is closed.
Looking at Project Management e.g. in accordance with PMI® we see that a successful project is managed through phases: Initiation, Planning, Execution and Close (supported by Monitoring & Control). However, insignificant focus is placed on Monday Morning on the shop floor.
This is the reason so many projects fail in delivering the business cases defined early on in the project lifecycles. In accordance to PMI® Pulse of the Profession in 2016, 32% of projects were a failure and the budget written off and 16% of projects were deemed outright failures.
Change Management is the key to successfully transition from Project to Operation. At Co-Kreator, we are specialists in bridging the gap between what is a Project and successful operation of a new/improved product, service or asset.
The specific tools we employ with our Clients to generate sustainable results are:
These tools have been successfully implemented at Co-Kreator Clients when working on Training and Consulting activities.
The ambition by using these tools is to create tangible resulting in relation to:
Reduction of OPEX (budget savings)
Increase ROI on CAPEX activities (increased business case return on investment)
Sustainable compliance
Improved and constructive working environment
Value Delivered